Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cornelis Wops & Maartje Hendriks 318th Anniversary

My 8 Great Grandparents were married 318 years ago today, on 12 November 1693 in St. Jacobiparochie in the Netherlands. A couple generations later their family name would eventually be de Groot. I have only been able to attribute 1 child to their marriage, and his name was Wop, born around 1704. Here is the record of their marriage, and pretty much the only record I have found on them:

Trouwregister Hervormde gemeente St. Jacobiparochie, 1693
DTB nr: 123, 1650 - 1772
Vermelding: Bevestiging huwelijk van 12 november 1693, St. Jacobiparochie
Man: Cornelis Wops, St. Jacobiparochie
Vrouw: Maertje Hendricks, St. Jacobiparochie

Gestandaardiseerde namen: KORNELIS WOPKES en MARTJEN HENDRIKS

So that's about all the info I have on them. Not very much. Maybe in the future more sources will be available online. I guess that gives me an excuse to post this picture of the town of St. Jacobiparochie from around 1790. I think this series is pretty cool and I'm sure I'll find excuses to post more of them when I don't have much else to say.

`t Dorp St. Jacobiparochie.jpg

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